

  1. Kangqiao Liu and Jie Gu,
    Nonequlibrium Thermodynamics: Classical Markov dynamics, Quantum Maxwell’s demon, Deep learning algorithms,
    invited seminar, 机器学习与随机物理实验室,
    基础与前沿研究院, 电子科技大学, 成都, 中国, 2024.11.12.

  2. Kangqiao Liu*, Liu Ziyin*, and Masahito Ueda,
    Noise and Fluctuation of Finite Learning Rate Stochastic Gradient Descent,
    The Thirty-eighth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2021),
    在线, 2021.07.18 - 2021.07.24.

  3. Kangqiao Liu, Zongping Gong, and Masahito Ueda,
    Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relations for Arbitrary Initial States,
    The Second Annual Workshop on Stochastic Thermodynamics (WOST II),
    Santa Fe Institute, 在线, 2021.05.17 - 2021.05.21.

  4. Kangqiao Liu, Zongping Gong, and Masahito Ueda,
    Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relations for Arbitrary Initial States,
    The 76th Physical Society of Japan Annual Meeting,
    日本, 在线, 2021.03.12 - 2021.03.15.

  5. Kangqiao Liu,
    Surpassing the standard thermodynamic uncertainty relation limit by feedback control,
    GSGC Exchange Seminar,
    东京大学, 东京, 日本, 2019.10.31.