
[Google Scholar] [Research Gate]


  1. Kangqiao Liu, Zongping Gong, and Masahito Ueda,
    Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation for Arbitrary Initial States,
    Physical Review Letters 125, 140602 (2020)
    (IF = 9.185,中科院1区Top)

  2. Kangqiao Liu*, Liu Ziyin*, and Masahito Ueda, (*equal contribution)
    Noise and Fluctuation of Finite Learning Rate Stochastic Gradient Descent,
    Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 139:7045-7056, 2021 (ICML 2021)
    (接收率 = 21.5%,CCF A类,机器学习顶会)

  3. Liu Ziyin*, Kangqiao Liu*, Takashi Mori, and Masahito Ueda, (*equal contribution)
    Strength of Minibatch Noise in SGD,
    The 10th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2022)
    selected for Spotlight (5% of all submissions)
    (接收率 = 32.26%, Spotlight = top 5%,清华A类,机器学习顶会)

  4. Takashi Mori, Liu Ziyin, Kangqiao Liu, and Masahito Ueda,
    Power-law escape rate of SGD,
    Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 162:15959-15975, 2022 (ICML 2022)
    (接收率 = 21.9%,CCF A类,机器学习顶会)


  1. Kangqiao Liu, Masaya Nakagawa, and Masahito Ueda,
    Maxwell’s Demon for Quantum Transport,