
  1. Kangqiao Liu,
    Response kinetic uncertainty relations for classical and quantum Markovian processes,
    invited seminar, Prof. Deng’s Quantum Dynamics & Control group,
    Shenzhen Institute of Quantum Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China, 2025.01.23.
  2. Kangqiao Liu and Jie Gu,
    Nonequlibrium Thermodynamics: Classical Markov dynamics, Quantum Maxwell’s demon, Deep learning algorithms,
    invited seminar, Prof. Tang’s Lab of Machine Learning Stochastic Physics,
    Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China, 2024.11.12.

  3. Kangqiao Liu*, Liu Ziyin*, and Masahito Ueda,
    Noise and Fluctuation of Finite Learning Rate Stochastic Gradient Descent,
    The Thirty-eighth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2021),
    online, 2021.07.18 - 2021.07.24.

  4. Kangqiao Liu, Zongping Gong, and Masahito Ueda,
    Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relations for Arbitrary Initial States,
    The Second Annual Workshop on Stochastic Thermodynamics (WOST II),
    Santa Fe Institute, online, 2021.05.17 - 2021.05.21.

  5. Kangqiao Liu, Zongping Gong, and Masahito Ueda,
    Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relations for Arbitrary Initial States,
    The 76th Physical Society of Japan Annual Meeting,
    Japan, online, 2021.03.12 - 2021.03.15.

  6. Kangqiao Liu,
    Surpassing the standard thermodynamic uncertainty relation limit by feedback control,
    GSGC Exchange Seminar,
    the University of Tokyo, 2019.10.31.